<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Data Export Specifications |
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Requests for data export are included in the MONITORS or PLOTS sections as for graphic output. This allows the control of when the export is performed in a standard way. A data export request may be any of the following types:
•Requests the export of the listed values in netCDF version 3 format.
•The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system or subsequent ON SURFACE modifiers.
•The included domain can be zoomed.
•If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file "<problem>_<sequence>.cdf".
•Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will stack subsequent outputs in the same file, consistent with netCDF conventions.
•CDF uses a regular rectangular grid, so interface definition may be ragged.
•Use ZOOM to show details.
•This is an extension of the TRANSFER export.
•The output will be written to a file "<problem>_restart.xfr" that is appropriate for restarting a computation or postprocessing.
•Requests the export of the listed values in tabular ASCII format.
•The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system or subsequent ON modifiers.
•The included domain can be zoomed.
•If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file "<problem>_<sequence>.tbl".
•Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will create separate files for each stage or mode, with additional sequencing numbers in the name.
•TABLE output uses a regular rectangular grid, so interface definition may be lost.
•Use ZOOM to show details.
•Requests the export of the listed values to a file readable by the TecPlot visualization system.
•The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system.
•The entire mesh is exported.
•If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file "<problem>_<sequence>.dat".
•Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will stack subsequent outputs in the same file, consistent with TecPlot conventions.
•TecPlot uses the actual triangular or tetrahedral computation mesh (subdivided to linear basis), so material interfaces are preserved.
•Requests the export of the listed values and finite element mesh data in a file readable by FlexPDE using the TRANSFER or TRANSFERMESH input command. This method of data transfer between FlexPDE problems retains the full accuracy of the computation, without the error introduced by the rectangular mesh of the TABLE function.
•The exported domain cannot be zoomed.
•If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file "<problem>_<sequence>.xfr". This export format uses the actual computation mesh, so material interfaces are preserved.
•The full computation mesh is exported.
•When used in Staged, Time dependent or Eigenvalue problems, each output file will be identified by appending a sequence number to the file name.
•TRANSFER files record the state of HISTORY plots. Problems restarted from a TRANSFER file will restore the data sequence of HISTORY plots.
•See TRANSFER File format for a description of the data format.
TRANSFER6 ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )
•This command is the same as the TRANSFER command, except:
•Data are exported in a format compatible with FlexPDE Version 6.
•If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file "<problem>_<sequence>.dat".
•TRANSFER6 files do NOT record the state of HISTORY plots. Problems restarted from a TRANSFER file will have fragmented HISTORY plots.
•See TRANSFER6 File format for a description of the data format.
•Requests the export of the listed values to a file in VTK (Visualization Tool Kit) format for display by visualization systems such as VisIt.
•The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system.
•The entire mesh is exported.
•If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file "<problem>_<sequence>.vtk".
•Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will produce a family of files distinguished by the sequence number.
•VTK format uses the actual triangular or tetrahedral computation mesh, so material interfaces are preserved.
•The VTK format supports quadratic finite element basis directly, but not cubic. To export from cubic-basis computations, use VTKLIN.
•Produces a VTK format file in which the native cells of the FlexPDE computation have been converted to a set of linear-basis finite element cells.
•This command may be used to export to VTK visualization tools from cubic-basis FlexPDE computations, or in cases where the visualization tool does not support quadratic basis.