<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> 3d_box_in_sphere |
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This problem demonstrates the construction of a box inside a sphere.
We use two conical frustums to define an extrusion layer to contain the box.
The flat surfaces define top and bottom of the box and the cones fall
to meet at the diameter of the sphere.
The box is then defined as a square section of the layer between the
flat surfaces of the frustums.
Click "Controls->Domain Review" to watch the domain construction process.
We solve a heat equation for demonstration purposes.
title '3D Box in a Sphere'
regrid = off { for quicker completion }
ngrid = 16
R0 = 1 { sphere radius }
hbox = R0/4 { box half-size }
{ Make the box-bounding circle slightly bigger than box, or corner
intersections will confuse the mesh generator. }
Rbox = 1.1*sqrt(2)*hbox
rho = sqrt(x^2+y^2) { 2d radius - don't use 'R', it's 3D radius! }
zsphere = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0) { hemisphere shape }
zbottom = -zsphere { bottom of sphere }
ztop = zsphere { top of sphere }
zboxbottom = -hbox { default box-bounding surfaces - patched later in outer sphere }
zboxtop = hbox
zcone = hbox*(R0-rho)/(R0-Rbox) { cone shape for bringing box top to sphere diameter }
K = 1 { Define all parameter defaults for non-box volume}
source = 0
U: div(K*grad(u)) + source = 0
surface z = zbottom { the bottom hemisphere and plane }
surface z = zboxbottom
surface z = zboxtop
surface z = ztop { the top hemisphere and plane }
surface 1 value(u)=0 { for demonstration purposes }
surface 4 value(u)=0
region 1 { The sphere }
zboxbottom = -zcone
zboxtop = zcone
start (R0,0)
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 to close
limited region 2 { smaller circle overlays sphere }
layer 2 { ... and exists only in layer 2 }
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 to close
limited region 3 { the box outline }
layer 2 { box exists only in layer 2 }
source = 1
K = 0.1
start(-hbox,-hbox) line to (hbox,-hbox) to (hbox,hbox) to (-hbox,hbox) to close
grid(x,y,z) as "outer sphere"
grid(x,z) on y=0 nolines as "cross-section showing box"
grid(x,z) on y=0 paintregions nolines as "region and layer structure"
grid(x,y) on z=0 paintregions nolines as "region and layer structure"
contour(u) on y=0 as "temperature"
glcontour(u) on region 3 as "temperature"