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This problem describes the electric field in an insulated cardioid-like
chamber due to an electrode at the tip of the cardioid and a localized
space charge near the center of the body.
Adaptive grid refinement detects the space charge and refines
the computation mesh to resolve its shape.
title "Electrostatic Potential with probe and space charge"
select errlim = 1e-4
definitions bigr = 1 smallr = 0.4 x0 = sqrt(bigr^2/2) y0 = x0 r = sqrt(x^2+y^2) { define the electrode center } xc = sqrt((bigr-smallr)^2/2) yc = xc { A space charge source at -xc } source = x/((x+xc)^2 + y^2 + 0.001) k=0.1
variables V
equations V : div(k*grad(V)) + source = 0
boundaries region 1 start(xc,yc-smallr) |
natural(V) = 0 { -- insulated outer boundary }
arc(center=xc,yc) to (x0,y0)
arc(center=0,0) angle 270
arc(center=xc,-yc) to (xc,smallr-yc)
value(V)=1 { -- applied voltage = 1 on tip }
arc(center=xc,0) angle -180 to close
contour(V) as "Potential"
contour(V) zoom(0.2,-0.2,0.4,0.4)
surface(V) viewpoint (0,10,30)
surface(V) zoom(-0.6,-0.2,0.4,0.4)
surface(source) zoom(-0.6,-0.2,0.4,0.4)