Mesh Reconnection

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Mesh Reconnection

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FlexPDE can automatically reconnect a moving mesh when the mesh becomes distorted or nonuniform. The reconnection option is turned on using the selector RECONNECT :


RECONNECT(ON)        { turn on all reconnect operations }


There are three primary reconnection operations : PURGE (purging a node), SPLIT (splitting a nodal link by inserting a node), and SWAP (swapping a link between nodes) which can be controlled independently. E.g. :


RECONNECT(purge,swap)        { turn on only the purge and swap operations }


These can be controlled globally in the SELECT section as well as regionally in the BOUNDARIES section.


RECONNECT(OFF)        { turn off all reconnect operations in this region }



RECONNECT(split)        { turn on only the split operation in this region }



Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 2D_Bubble_Reconnect.pde

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 3D_Bubble_Reconnect.pde

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 3D_Intrusion_Reconnect.pde

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | Gaussian_Valve_Reconnect.pde

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | Sliptube_Explicit_Reconnect.pde