<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> 3d_ploton |
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This problem shows some of the possible 'ON' qualifiers for 3D plots.
title '3D Test -- Plot Qualifiers'
coordinates cartesian3
Variables u
definitions k = 0.1 heat = 4
equations U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
extrusion surface "S1" z = 0 layer 'one' surface "S2" z = 0.8-0.3*(x^2+y^2) layer 'two' surface "S3" z = 1.0-0.3*(x^2+y^2) |
region 1 'outer'
layer 'two' k = 1
value(u) = 0
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
region 2 'plug'
layer 'two' k = 1
start 'dot' (0.5,0.5) arc(center=0,0) angle=360
grid(x,y,z) on "outer" as "Only Region 1, both layers"
grid(x,y,z) on region 'plug' on layer "two" as "Region 2 Layer 2"
grid(x,y,z) on region 'plug' on layers "one","two" paintregions as "Region 2, both layers"
grid(y,z) on x=0 on 'plug' as "Cut plane on region 2"
contour(u) on x=0.51 on layer "two" as "Solution on X-cut in layer 2"
contour(u) on z=0.51 on region "Plug" as "Solution on Z-cut in region 2"
contour(u) on surface "S2" on region "plug" as "Solution on paraboloidal layer interface"
vector(grad(u)) on surface "S2" on 'outer' as "Flux on layer interface in region 1"
glcontour(u) on 'outer' on 'two'
glcontour(k*dx(u)) on 'outer' on 'two'