<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> landfill_gas_flow |
This script solves 2D flow of ideal gas through a porous medium combined of
2 contiguous layers of distinct permeability in elliptic coordinates. The
outermost of the two layers generates gas that flows inwards and is
collected by a pipe in the centre. When the cross-sections are ellipses of
a common focal length f, there are exact solutions available that are used
for verification. Note: the domain appears almost circular, but if the
coordinates are checked carefully, all boundaries are ellipses.
Includes usage of:
- redefinition of Cartesian coordinates to custom curvilinear system
- definition of inverse hyperbolic functions
- discontinuous material properties
- definition of features via a repeat loop
- file export via a repeat loop
Written at:
Department of Mathematics, Thompson Rivers University (British
Columbia, Canada) by Damian Halvorsen and Yana Nec.
Reference for the geometry and all formulae: appendix B in
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2018.10.003 ;
Title 'Planar flow, elliptic geometry, 2 laminae'
COORDINATES cartesian2
C2K = 273.15 { 0 deg C in Kelvin }
g = 9.8067 { gravity constant m/s^2 }
ps = 101325 { standard atmospheric pressure at sea level Pa }
Ts = C2K+15 { standard atmospheric temperature at sea level K }
Tc = C2K+20 { standard chemical temperature K }
Latm = 0.0065 { standard atmospheric cooling rate deg/m }
R_air = 286.9 { air gas constant p = rho R T }
Ro = 8.3145 { universal gas constant, specific R = Ro/M }
i2m_p = ps/406.8 { inWc to Pa conversion factor }
elev = 0; { surface elevation m }
p_bar = ps { barometer pressure Pa }
p_atm = p_bar*(1-Latm*elev/Ts)^(g/(R_air*Latm)) { atmospheric pressure at given elevation}
pB = p_atm-0.5*i2m_p { pressure under the cover (if applicable), converted from inWc }
p_out = p_atm-15*i2m_p { outlet pressure, converted from inWc }
d_P = 0.5*0.3048 { pipe diameter m }
r_P = d_P/2 {pipe radius}
{ pack, waste and cover laminae thickness m }
h = array(1,8,3)
r_A = r_P+h[1] {gravel pack radius}
r_B = r_A+h[2] {landfill cavity radius}
{ porosity }
p_eps = array(0.6,0.4,0.7)
{ effective packing sphere diameter to represent grain size m }
sphere_diam = array(0.05,0.1,0.01) {k_b>k_a}
{ tortuosity }
tau = 100
k = array for i (1 by 1 to 3) : p_eps[i]^3*sphere_diam[i]^2*(72*tau*(1-p_eps[i])^2)^(-1)
{ temperature deg C }
Tlfg = 15+C2K
{ hole diameter m }
dh = 3/8*0.0254
{ # of holes in each perforated cross-section }
nh = 2
dl = nh*(dh/2)^2/d_P
{molar weights}
M_CH4 = 0.016044
M_CO2 = 0.04401
M_O2 = 0.0319988
M_N2 = 0.0280134
Mw = array(M_CH4,M_CO2,M_O2,M_N2)
{ gas composition CH4, CO2 and O2, balance N2 }
Xlfg0 = array(0.5,0.4,0.01);
Xlfg = array(Xlfg0[1],Xlfg0[2],Xlfg0[3],1-sum(i,1,3,Xlfg0[i]))
Rlfg = Ro/sum(i,1,4,Xlfg[i]*Mw[i])
{ Sutherland's formula }
{ base values for Sutherland's formula }
To_CH4 = 273.15; s_CH4 = 197.8; muo_CH4 = 12.01*10^(-6);
To_CO2 = 293.15; s_CO2 = 240; muo_CO2 = 14.8*10^(-6);
!To_CO2 = 273.15; s_CO2 = 222.2; muo_CO2 = 13.7*10^(-6);
To_O2 = 292.25; s_O2 = 127; muo_O2 = 20.18*10^(-6);
To_N2 = 300.55; s_N2 = 111; muo_N2 = 17.81*10^(-6);
mu_CH4 = muo_CH4*(Tlfg/To_CH4)^1.5*(To_CH4+s_CH4)/(Tlfg+s_CH4);
mu_CO2 = muo_CO2*(Tlfg/To_CO2)^1.5*(To_CO2+s_CO2)/(Tlfg+s_CO2);
mu_O2 = muo_O2*(Tlfg/To_O2)^1.5*(To_O2+s_O2)/(Tlfg+s_O2);
mu_N2 = muo_N2*(Tlfg/To_N2)^1.5*(To_N2+s_N2)/(Tlfg+s_N2);
{ exponential formula }
mu = array(mu_CH4, mu_CO2, mu_O2, mu_N2)
a = 3/8 { empirical constant from Thomas A. Davidson's paper - 3/8 or 1/3
a = 3/8 appears to work negligibly better }
Ylfg = sum(i,1,4,sqrt(Mw[i])*Xlfg[i])
fl = 2^a/Ylfg^2*sum(i,1,4,sum(j,1,4,
mu_lfg = 1/fl
{ number of perforated cross-sections }
n = 28
{ generation rate m^3/hr }
C_init = 375
C = C_init*ps/(3600*Rlfg*Tc*pi*(r_B^2-r_A^2)*dl*n)
RT = Rlfg*Tlfg
muRT = mu_lfg*RT
muRTC = muRT*C
ang_jump = pi/8
Px ! constant, to be used as a normalisation pressure value
Px2 = Px^2
f = 0.5*r_P ! focal length, common to all ellipses
fb = f^2*muRTC/(4*Px2*k[2]) ! combined constants
fc = f^2*muRT*Cp/(4*Px2*Kp)
muRTCpx = muRT*Cp/Px2
grav = 0*vector(0,-g,0) ! toggle the factor to turn gravity on and off
! define inverse hyperbolic functions not available as built in functions
atanh(q) = 0.5*ln((1+q)/(1-q))
acosh(q) = ln(q+sqrt(q^2 -1))
asinh(q) = ln(q+sqrt(q^2 +1))
{ define the elliptic coordinates: xi runs along the hyperbolae (normal
coordinate) and phi is the elliptic arc length (tangential coordinate)
Note: radial arc length = angle from horizontal,
elliptic arc length != angle from horizontal except 0, pi
xyf = f^2+y^2-x^2
tanhxi = if(x=0) then sqrt(y^2/xyf)
else sqrt(0.5*(-xyf+sqrt(xyf^2+(2*x*y)^2))/x^2)
xi = atanh(tanhxi)
phi = if(x=0) then pi/2*sign(y)
else if(x>0) then arctan(y/(x*tanhxi))
else arctan(y/(x*tanhxi))+pi
! common expressions needed in exact solutions
xip = acosh(r_P/f)
xia = acosh(r_A/f)
xib = acosh(r_B/f)
xiPB = xip-xib
xiBA = xib-xia
xiAP = xia-xip
r_outx = f*cosh(xib)
r_outy = f*sinh(xib)
r_inx = f*cosh(xia)
r_iny = f*sinh(xia)
r_px = f*cosh(xip)
r_py = f*sinh(xip)
! coefficients needed in exact solutions
! block/unblock one type of boundary condition
! pressure boundary condition
Px = pB
rhs = -fb*(1+k[2]/(k[1]-k[2])*cosh(2*xiBA)+
theta_P = 0
theta_B = rhs-theta_P*k[1]/k[2]*sinh(2*xiBA)/sinh(2*xiAP)
a0a = k[2]/(k[2]*xiAP+k[1]*xiBA)*((pB/Px)^2-(p_out/Px)^2+
a0b = 1/(k[2]*xiAP+k[1]*xiBA)*(((pB/Px)^2-(p_out/Px)^2+
b0a = (p_out/Px)^2-a0a*xip
b0b = (pB/Px)^2-a0b*xib+fb*cosh(2*xib)
a1a = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(theta_P*cosh(2*xib)-theta_B*k[2]/k[1]*cosh(2*xip)+
b1b = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(-theta_P*k[1]/k[2]*sinh(2*xib)+theta_B*sinh(2*xip)+
a1b = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(theta_P*k[1]/k[2]*cosh(2*xib)-theta_B*cosh(2*xip)+
b1a = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(-theta_P*sinh(2*xib)+theta_B*k[2]/k[1]*sinh(2*xip)+
P_ell = sqrt(a0*xi+b0-fc*cosh(2*xi)+
'ACmat' :
Kp = k[2]
Cp = C
a0 = a0b
b0 = b0b
a1 = a1b
b1 = b1b
'ABmat' :
Kp = k[1]
Cp = 0
a0 = a0a
b0 = b0a
a1 = a1a
b1 = b1a
P = P_atm/Px
div(Kp*p*(grad(p)-p/RT*grav)) = -muRTCpx
use material 'ACmat'
start (r_outx,0)
value(P) = sqrt((pB/Px)^2 +theta_B*cos(2*phi)) ! pressure boundary condition
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_outy) to (-r_outx,0)
to (0,-r_outy) to (r_outx,0)
start (r_px,0)
value(P) = sqrt((P_out/Px)^2 + theta_P*cos(2*phi))
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_py) to (-r_px,0)
to (0,-r_py) to (r_px,0)
use material 'ABmat'
start (r_inx,0)
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_iny) to (-r_inx,0)
to (0,-r_iny) to (r_inx,0)
start (r_px,0)
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_py) to (-r_px,0)
to (0,-r_py) to (r_px,0)
repeat th = 0 by ang_jump to 3/8*pi
Feature 'Ray_'+$th
start(r_px*cos(th),r_py*sin(th)) line to (r_outx*cos(th), r_outy*sin(th))
contour(P) painted zoom(-r_px,-r_px,2*r_px)
repeat th = 0 by ang_jump to 3/8*pi
Elevation (P, P_ell) on 'Ray_'+$th as 'P on Ray_'+$th
export points=30 file = 'qpe2L_'+$round(th*10000)+'.tbl'
Elevation (P-P_ell) on 'Ray_'+$th as 'P error on Ray_'+$th