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The general principles of installation for FlexPDE are the same across all platforms: the set of installation files must be extracted from the compressed distribution archive and placed in the system file hierarchy. The details of how this is done vary with computer platform.  

There are two media options for FlexPDE installation:

Installation from Internet download


Browse to the download page. Click the file name of the desired version, and store the downloaded file at a convenient place in your file system.  For more information, click the "Installation Guide" link next to the version download you have chosen.


Installation from CDROM


The optional CDROM has an installation page that is organized in the same fashion as the website download page. Open the main index page and browse to the "Installation" page. Click the file name of the desired version, and run the file (or store the downloaded file at a convenient place in your file system then run it).  For more information, click the "Installation Guide" link next to the version download you have chosen.


In addition to the "FlexPDE8" application folder, the installer will create a "FlexPDE8user" folder containing a duplicate copy of the sample scripts and the FlexPDE user settings file ("flexpde8.ini"). On Windows this will be in the user's "Documents" folder.