<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> helix_OBJimport |
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This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.
The OBJ file contains :
one object named 'helix' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'top', and 'bottom' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Helix'
coordinates cartesian3
select order=2
variables U V W
E { Young's Modulus }
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }
{ define the constitutive relations }
G = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = G*(1-nu)
C12 = G*nu
C13 = G*nu
C22 = G*(1-nu)
C23 = G*nu
C33 = G*(1-nu)
C44 = G*(1-2*nu)/2
{ Strains }
ex = dx(U)
ey = dy(V)
ez = dz(W)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V)
gyz = dz(V) + dy(W)
gzx = dx(W) + dz(U)
{ Stresses }
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*ez
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*ez
Sz = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*ez
Txy = C44*gxy
Tyz = C44*gyz
Tzx = C44*gzx
{ find mean translation and rotation }
Vol = Integral(1)
Tx = integral(U)/Vol { X-motion }
Ty = integral(V)/Vol { Y-motion }
Tz = integral(W)/Vol { Z-motion }
Rz = 0.5*integral(dx(V) - dy(U))/Vol { Z-rotation }
Rx = 0.5*integral(dy(W) - dz(V))/Vol { X-rotation }
Ry = 0.5*integral(dz(U) - dx(W))/Vol { Y-rotation }
{ displacements with translation and rotation removed }
{ This is necessary only if all boundaries are free }
Up = U - Tx + Rz*y - Ry*z
Vp = V - Ty + Rx*z - Rz*x
Wp = W - Tz + Ry*x - Rx*y
{ scaling factors for displacement plots }
Mx = 0.1*globalmax(magnitude(y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Vp,Wp))
My = 0.1*globalmax(magnitude(x,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Wp))
Mz = 0.1*globalmax(magnitude(x,y))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Vp))
Mt = 0.2*globalmax(magnitude(x,y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Vp,Wp))
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + dz(Tzx) = 0 { the U-displacement equation }
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + dz(Tyz) = 0 { the V-displacement equation }
W: dx(Tzx) + dy(Tyz) + dz(Sz) = 0 { the W-displacement equation }
materials 'helix' : E = 2.0e11 { Young's Modulus for Steel (N/M^2) }
boundary conditions
'top' : natural(w) = -1e-3
'bottom' : natural(w) = 1e-3
boundaries import OBJ 'helix.obj'
contour(Up) on y=0 as "X-displacement"
contour(Vp) on x=0 as "Y-displacement"
contour(Wp) on y=0 as "Z-displacement"
grid(x+Mt*Up,y+Mt*Vp,z+Mt*Wp) as "Shape"
grid(x+My*Up,z+My*Wp) on y=0 as "XZ Shape"
grid(y+Mx*Vp,z+Mx*Wp) on x=0 as "YZ Shape"
contour(Sx) on y=0 as "X-stress"
contour(Sy) on y=0 as "Y-stress"
contour(Sz) on y=0 as "Z-stress"
contour(Txy) on y=0 as "XY Shear stress"
contour(Tyz) on y=0 as "YZ Shear stress"
contour(Tzx) on y=0 as "ZX Shear stress"