<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> 3d_flowbox |
This problem demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in 3D fluid flow. It shows the flow of fluid
through a plenum box with a circular inlet at the bottom and an offset circular outlet at the top.
The corners of the duct are beveled to remove discontinuities in the flow, and the inlet pressure
is arbitrarily set at 0.05 units.
The solution uses a "penalty pressure", in which the pressure variable is used merely to guarantee
mass conservation. This technique is described in more detail in VISCOUS.PDE.
The order of interpolation is staged from linear to quadratic to cubic, which allows FlexPDE
to solve for the general distribution with far fewer unknowns, and then solve for more detail
in later stages.
Adaptive mesh refinement is turned off for speed in demonstration.
title '3D flow through a plenum'
coordinates cartesian3
variables v(1e-6) = vector(vx,vy,vz) p
select order = staged(1,2,3) regrid = off
definitions long = 2 wide = 1 high = 1/2 xin = -1 yin = 0 xout = 1 yout = 0 rc = 0.5 duct = 0.2
{ construct beveled surface } b = 0.05 ! duct bevel r2 = sqrt((x-xin)^2+(y-yin)^2) H2 = -high-(rc+b) z2 = max(min(H2+r2,-high),-high-b) r3 = sqrt((x-xout)^2+(y-yout)^2) H3 = high+(rc+b) z3 = min(max(H3-r3,high),high+b)
dens = 1 { fluid density } visc = 0.01 { fluid viscosity } vm = magnitude(v)
div_v = dx(vx) + dy(vy) + dz(vz)
pfactor = 500 PENALTY = pfactor*visc/high^2
Pin = 0.05 Pout = 0
initial values v = vector(0,0,0) |
p = Pin+(Pout-Pin)*(z+high+duct)/(2*high+2*duct)
v: dens*dot(v,grad(v)) + grad(p) - visc*div(grad(v)) = 0
p: div(grad(p)) = PENALTY*div_v
surface 'induct bottom' z = -high-duct
layer 'induct'
surface 'bottom' z = z2
layer 'body'
surface 'top' z = z3
layer 'outduct'
surface 'outduct top' z = high+duct
region 1 { plenum box }
surface 2 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0
surface 3 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0
layer 1 void
layer 3 void
value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0 { fix all side values }
line to (long,-wide)
to (long,wide)
to (-long,wide)
to close
limited region 2 { input hole }
layer 1
surface 1 natural(v) = vector(0,0,0) value(p)=Pin { input duct opening }
layer 1 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0 { duct sidewall drag }
surface 2 mesh_spacing=rc/2
arc(center=xin,yin) angle=360
limited region 3 { exit hole }
layer 3
surface 4 natural(v) = vector(0,0,0) value(p)=Pout { output duct opening }
layer 3 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0 { duct sidewall drag }
surface 3 mesh_spacing=rc/2
arc(center=xout,yout) angle=360
limited feature
surface 2
start(xin,yin-rc-b) arc(center=xin,yin) angle=360
limited feature
surface 3
start(xout,yout-rc-b) arc(center=xout,yout) angle=360
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(vx) on x=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on y=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vz)on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vy) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on z=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vy)on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(p) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(div_v) on y=0 report dens report pin
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(vx) on x=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on y=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vz)on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vy) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on z=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vy)on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(p) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(div_v) on y=0 report dens report pin
report(sintegral(vz,'induct bottom','input')) as "Inflow"
report(sintegral(vz,'outduct top','exit')) as "Outflow"
report(sintegral(vz,'outduct top','exit')/sintegral(vz,'induct bottom','input')) as "Ratio"