TABLE Modifiers

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TABLE Modifiers

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The default interpolation for table data is linear (or bilinear or trilinear) within the table cells.  Alternative treatments of the data can be specified by prefixes attached to the TABLE statement.





A cubic spline is fit to the table data (one- and two-dimensional tables only)


Data points are assumed to denote the beginning of a histogram level.  The data value at a given point will apply uniformly to the coordinate interval ending at the next coordinate point.  A ramped transition will be applied to the interpolation, transitioning from one level to the next in 1/10 of the combined table cell widths.


Data are interpreted as with BLOCK, but fraction is used as the transition width factor in place of the default 1/10.


A diffusive smoothing is applied to the TABLE data, in such a way that the integral of the data is preserved, but sharp transitions are blurred.  This can result in more efficient solution times if the data are used as sources or parameters in time-dependent problems.
Fourier components with spatial wavelengths less than wavelength will be damped. (See Technical Note: Smoothing Operators in PDE's).



Data = SMOOTH(0.1) TABLE("input_file")

Data = SPLINE TABLE("input_file")